buddhist workshop

Natsog dorje

buddhist workshop

Natsog dorje

Silver Gakyil pendant


Material: Silver

Size: 2 cm.


Silver Gakyil pendant – Mandala of joy, a special symbol associated with the teachings of the dakini and inner yogas. The four petals symbolize the four joys of the practice of tummo, and the sphere in the center symbolizes their inseparability in the space of Dharmakaya. Also according to the common chariots, there are four Buddhist philosophical traditions and four seals of the Buddhist view. In Hinayana, the main thing is the contemplation of the Four noble truths. The main thing in Mahayana is the essence of bodhicitta – the four immeasurable ones. In the unusual Vajra chariot of the secret mantra, according to the generation stage, there are four chakras of the channels of the inner vajra body. The object of purification is the pollution of the four periods. The method of purification is four initiations. According to the completion stage with signs, these are the four joys. According to the completion stage without signs, there are four kinds of emptiness. From the point of view of the fruit, there are four kayas, and so on.

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